Sunday, December 30, 2012
Why is it that music sounds so much better on vinyl? I think its because that is how music is meant to be listened to. I borrowed my sister's record player today and have been listening to records for the past few hours. I started with Johnny Mathis then made my way to Sinatra and now James Taylor is making my ears melt, lol. I honestly love music, all types of music and I do not know what I would do if I couldn't listen to music. A world without music is not just quiet, its lifeless. One of my resolutions of 2013 is to but my own record player and start collecting records. My "playlist" for tonight consists of Journey, Springsteen, Billy Joel, and Elvis. Some of my favorite classics. So tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and unfortunately I was unable to complete most of my 2012 goals. But I am not too worried, I had a pretty rough year but considering all that I went through it was still a fun year that I wouldn't trade for anything. I am hoping to make 2013 a better year in a lot of ways. I am looking forward to new beginnings and new adventures. Here is to the new year! I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
2013 Here I Come!
Happy Holidays everyone! I am aware that this is a little late, but better late than never right. I have so much to be thankful for this holiday season, and hope that I am as blessed next year as I was this year. I cannot believe that 2013 is only a few days away. 2012 literally flew by, but these past two months have dragged on for me and I will be very happy when this year is over. A new year means new beginnings and a chance at a fresh start, and I plan to take full advantage of that fresh start. One of my main goals for the new year is to take control of my life. I stress the small stuff too much and it has been making me physically sick. If I want to move forward I need to de-clutter my life; mind, body, and soul. That means getting rid of toxic people, toxic thoughts, and toxic foods. I need to start congratulating myself on my accomplishments no matter how small they are. I need to decide what I want to do with my life, because I am not sure that teaching is my dream anymore. I need to detox my body to get rid of all of the poison that I have been consuming for the past couple of years. I need to forgive myself and remember that I am human and make mistakes. I need to take responsibility for my life because it is my life after all, and I want to be the only person who controls it. I want to make myself happy, by putting myself around happy people and in happy situations. I want to continue to laugh everyday, because a day with out laughter is a day wasted. I want to enjoy every moment I spend with my family because they mean everything to me, and I know that we will not always be together. I want to keep my grades up in school, school is very important to me and since I have started working I have put it on the back burner which is not the smartest idea. I want to do what is best for me without worrying about hurting some one's feelings in the process. I want to love; my family, my friends, my pets, my books, my journals, and my ideas. I want to be loved because I deserve it. I want so many things for the new year, so here is my new year's resolution; I want to be happy and healthy, both mentally and physically. So if anyone out there reads this blog, I hope that your holidays have been merry and bright, and I hope you have a safe and happy new year!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
As I sit here writing this post all I can ask is, how? How can someone end the lives of so many innocent children and teachers? How can someone wake up one morning and decide that they want to destroy the lives of countless families? It is so sickening that there are people out there who take pleasure in the pain of others. 20 children will never grow up, they will never ride their bikes again or see their friends again. They will never go to prom or graduate from high school and get into the college of their dreams. They will never hug their parents again or laugh again. These families will never be the same and they will never recover from this unthinkable tragedy. It is truly a sad day in our nation when children are not even safe in their own school. Schools are supposed to be our home away from home, our safe havens, not the scene of tragedy and despair. Everytime I hear an update on this story I cannot help but cry, as an educator I am thinking about my own students who are four years old. It breaks my heart to even think that someone can look a helpless child in the face and hurt them. Nothing that anyone says to those families will bring their children and loved ones back, all they have now are memories of lives that once were. Hug your loved ones and tell them that you love them everyday, please. God now has 29 more angels in heaven, and all we can do is pray for the families of those victims. God Bless.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Mentally Exhausted
Well the title of this post says it all, I am mentally exhausted, lol. Work is draining the life out of me, trying to keep up with 15 four year olds everyday is so tiring. I am trying to get my energy level up so if anyone reading this has any suggestions I would really appreciate them, lol. I know that I am a terrible blogger so I promise I will try to post more and post some things other than stories from my sad life, lol. So here we go... Here are few things I am really loving right now:
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The Holidays |
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Five Below! Seriously, this store allows you to Christmas shop with out going broke, lol. |
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My local Country radio station! They get me up and out the door in the morning. |
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My favorite holiday movie! |
These are a few things that I am really loving right now! I love the holidays and am so looking forward to getting a break from things for a week or two!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Is it really December 2nd already? I can't even believe it, lol. I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't been on my computer for reasons other than school, for like a week. As usual I am excited about the holidays and getting a break from school and being able to spend time with my family. All I want to do is drink hot chocolate and watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, lol. The holidays always give me an opportunity to reflect on the year before and see how I have grown or changed. Last year I was so worried about buying gifts that I am now in credit card debt, but this year we set a limit of $30 per person per gift. I have already done some shopping and gotten a few things, and I actually bought something for myself :) This year has been filled with a lot of ups and downs, but I am determined to make next year a great one. I have a lot to be thankful for and I am very blessed to have a loving family, food to eat, and a roof over my head. So this holiday season I will not stress over gifts and presents, all I want to do on Christmas day is eat some good food, drink lots of coffee and hot chocolate, dance my ass off, sing til my throat is sore, watch Christmas movies, and enjoy every minute of time I get to spend with my family. I am so looking forward to Christmas!
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