Friday, December 30, 2011
New Year, New Beginnings
So with the new year fast approaching (and I mean fast, lol) I have decided to make some changes in my life. One major change that I am making is my health. I am making it a point to eat better because right now I don't, lol. I have also decided to really live this year (no, I wasn't dead this year just not really living). I want to have fun and be healthy and make some friends. I also really want to focus on me, I need to stop worrying about pleasing others and focus on living for me. I know that when most people make "new year's resolutions" they don't stick with them and that is why these are not resolutions. I will take each day and savor it, I will give thanks for everything that I have and enjoy the people I am spending my time with. I will not be wasting my time with anyone who is not worth it. So I hope that everyone has a happy new year and really thinks about what they want to accomplish in 2012 and just do it. Life is too short to hold back, so I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Giving Thanks
Man, do the holidays stress people out! I am so thankful that I was able to buy my family gifts this year, it was a little difficult but I made it work. We have been through so much this year that we deserved to have a great Christmas, but there are many people out there that also deserve a great Christmas, maybe more than I do, and they simply can not afford it. So when my mom told me about three kids who wouldn't have anything under their tree this Christmas I almost cried. I can not imagine what it must be like for a child to wake up on Christmas morning and have nothing under their tree. When I was growing up we didn't have much but my mom always made sure that we had at least one gift under the tree. So I went out today and got those kids a little something for Christmas, not from my family, but from Santa =). So this holiday season, I am just so thankful that I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, and that I am surrounded by family. Happy holidays everyone, enjoy this time with your family, put material things aside and make some memories!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
So I finally saw Breaking Dawn Part 1 yesterday! It sure took me long enough, but it was worth the wait. I absolutely adored it, everything about it. In other news I sent out my get well card to Joey, the brave young man I mentioned in my previous post. I decorated it with a winter theme, and forgot to take a picture of it before I mailed it out. I can't wait for Christmas, but what else is new, lol. I am also in the process of making a Christmas sweater, and I will definitely post a picture of that for everyone to get a good laugh. =)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Holiday Spirit!
So starting this blog helped me get a head start on this list. I wasn't supposed to start accomplishing these goals until 2012, but what the heck. I am in the holiday spirit, as I always am because Christmas is my favorite holiday. But this time of year always makes me think of those less fortunate than I am which is why I will be sending a Get Well card to a young man by the name of Joey Caretti. Here is the link for the entire story: I will post a picture of the card that I create before I send it. Please, please, please take 10 minutes out of your day and make a simple card that could bring this boy so much joy.
Monday, December 12, 2011
101 Things
So after really thinking about it I have decided to create a 101 Things To Do List. Most of these lists are meant to be completed in 1001 days, but that seemed like such a long time, lol, so I decided to try and accomplish it in one year. 101 things to do in 365 days shouldn't be so hard right? Well we will find out soon enough. Here is the list:
1.Survive the End of the World
2. Visit Central Park
3. Go see a Yankee game in Yankee Stadium
4. Get a tattoo
5. Volunteer at least 100 hours of my time
6. Visit a state I've never been to
7.Go on a scavenger hunt
8. Pay off my credit cards completely
9. Read 50 books
10. Go to the carnival
11. Learn to play a song on the keyboard
12. Go on a hike
13. Donate blood
14.Write a letter to myself and open it in 10 years
15.Complete the 365 day photo challenge
16. Get a passport
17. Identify 100 things that make me happy
18. Only drink water for one month
19. Create a scrapbook
20. Buy a beach cruiser
21. Assemble a shoebox all about me
22. Go to a concert
23. Go to a comic book store
24. Go to the beach
25. Lose at least 10 lbs.
26. Have a picnic in the park
27. Go see a play/ballet/musical
28. Go apple picking/ visit a pumpkin patch
29.Hug a tree
30. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
31. Go to the Renaissance Fair
32. Throw a dinner party
33. Take a cooking class
34. Build a snowman
35. Attend an art festival/art show
36. Go ice skating in Rockefeller Center
37.Go to the Today Show
38. Save $1000
39.Actually use the coupons that I clip Dunkin Donuts coupons :)
40. Give at least 3 gifts just because
41. Watch at least 20 new movies
42. See the fireworks on the 4th of July
43. Get my Driver's License
44. Visit at least 5 museums
45. Make something from scratch Banana Bread! Yummy!
46. Have a drink on my 21st birthday
47. Go to bartending school
48. Buy one things I've always wanted to buy but never did
49. Play tourist for a day
50.Buy at least 5 new CD's
51. Buy at least 5 flower bouquets
52. Go to a drive-in theatre
53. Adopt an accent for a day
54.Play in the rain
55. Go to a food festival
56. Make at least 5 new friends
57. Start a blog
58. Learn to knit
59. Spend an entire day in IKEA
60. Write in my journal everyday
61. Take a yoga/pilates class
62. Try red and white wine
63. See an outdoor summer Shakespeare show
64. Stop drinking soda
65.Send a care package to a friend
66.Have a big backyard BBQ
67. Make my own ice cream
68. Make a short film
69. Take a dance class
70. Take the dogs for a walk at least 4 times a week
71. Go see a movie by myself
72.Eat in a restaurant by myself
73.Buy an iPod touch Christmas gift!
74. Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy back to back to back
75. Throw a holiday party
76. Purchase an original work of art
77. Go to the Maury Show
78.Write down one thing I'm thankful for everyday
79. Start wearing makeup
80. Start selling Mark cosmetics again
81. Save $2 for every goal not completed
82. Start going to church
83. Buy a nice pair of heels and actually wear them
84. Buy a netbook
85.Buy a band tee
86. Watch the sun rise and set in the same day
87. See a foreign film
88. Spend an entire day in the library
89. Go the midnight showing of a movie
90. Make fresh squeezed lemonade
91. Make an inspiration board
92. Get a job
93. Take Frankie to dog training classes
94. Stay off the computer for two weeks straight
95. Make a list of my 100 favorite songs
96. Meet a celebrity
97. Build something with my own two hands
98. Bring back old slang yo!
99. Visit the Statue of Liberty
100.Listen to 5 new artists
101. Make a new 101 things list! Yay!
2. Visit Central Park
3. Go see a Yankee game in Yankee Stadium
4. Get a tattoo
5. Volunteer at least 100 hours of my time
6. Visit a state I've never been to
8. Pay off my credit cards completely
9. Read 50 books
10. Go to the carnival
11. Learn to play a song on the keyboard
12. Go on a hike
16. Get a passport
18. Only drink water for one month
19. Create a scrapbook
20. Buy a beach cruiser
21. Assemble a shoebox all about me
23. Go to a comic book store
24. Go to the beach
25. Lose at least 10 lbs.
26. Have a picnic in the park
27. Go see a play/ballet/musical
28. Go apple picking/ visit a pumpkin patch
30. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
31. Go to the Renaissance Fair
32. Throw a dinner party
33. Take a cooking class
34. Build a snowman
35. Attend an art festival/art show
36. Go ice skating in Rockefeller Center
38. Save $1000
40. Give at least 3 gifts just because
43. Get my Driver's License
44. Visit at least 5 museums
47. Go to bartending school
48. Buy one things I've always wanted to buy but never did
49. Play tourist for a day
51. Buy at least 5 flower bouquets
52. Go to a drive-in theatre
53. Adopt an accent for a day
55. Go to a food festival
56. Make at least 5 new friends
58. Learn to knit
59. Spend an entire day in IKEA
60. Write in my journal everyday
61. Take a yoga/pilates class
62. Try red and white wine
63. See an outdoor summer Shakespeare show
64. Stop drinking soda
67. Make my own ice cream
68. Make a short film
69. Take a dance class
70. Take the dogs for a walk at least 4 times a week
71. Go see a movie by myself
74. Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy back to back to back
75. Throw a holiday party
76. Purchase an original work of art
77. Go to the Maury Show
79. Start wearing makeup
80. Start selling Mark cosmetics again
81. Save $2 for every goal not completed
82. Start going to church
83. Buy a nice pair of heels and actually wear them
86. Watch the sun rise and set in the same day
87. See a foreign film
88. Spend an entire day in the library
89. Go the midnight showing of a movie
90. Make fresh squeezed lemonade
91. Make an inspiration board
93. Take Frankie to dog training classes
96. Meet a celebrity
97. Build something with my own two hands
99. Visit the Statue of Liberty
101. Make a new 101 things list! Yay!
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