Sunday, December 30, 2012


Why is it that music sounds so much better on vinyl?  I think its because that is how music is meant to be listened to.  I borrowed my sister's record player today and have been listening to records for the past few hours.  I started with Johnny Mathis then made my way to Sinatra and now James Taylor is making my ears melt, lol.  I honestly love music, all types of music and I do not know what I would do if I couldn't listen to music.  A world without music is not just quiet, its lifeless.  One of my resolutions of 2013 is to but my own record player and start collecting records.  My "playlist" for tonight consists of Journey, Springsteen, Billy Joel, and Elvis.  Some of my favorite classics.  So tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and unfortunately I was unable to complete most of my 2012 goals.  But I am not too worried, I had a pretty rough year but considering all that I went through it was still a fun year that I wouldn't trade for anything.  I am hoping to make 2013 a better year in a lot of ways.  I am looking forward to new beginnings and new adventures.  Here is to the new year!  I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!

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