Friday, August 31, 2012

Took Me Long Enough!

So, as I mentioned in an earlier post I participated in a scavenger hunt of downtown Philadelphia a few weeks ago.  Well here are the pictures that my brother and I took from that day.  Enjoy!

Friday Funday

Happy Friday everyone!  And happy last day of August!  This summer has flown by and I have had a really good time.  I know that I am not very good about posting pictures and for that I am sorry, lol.  But here are some pictures of my summer fun, I hope you enjoy them.

I really had fun this summer between family BBQ's, concerts, window shopping and going to the park; this summer was definitely one to be remembered.  I hope everyone enjoyed their summer as much as I did, and if you did let me know about it in the comments section.  Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer In The City

Summer is coming to a close and I could not be more excited.  I am NOT a fan of summer; between the heat, the mosquitoes, and my loud and obnoxious neighbors I want it to just be over with as soon as possible.  With that said summer produce is something that I actually look forward to every year and this year was no exception.  My favorite fruit this summer has to be  New Jersey peaches.  OMG!  They were so amazing this year; they were fresh, ripe, and sweet. I ate them on their own but I also added them to just about every salad I ate this summer :) Well, fall is on the horizon and I think that most people are excited about that because it has been hot all around this summer.  It's also back to school for most kiddies :)  I loved the first day of school growing up, my mom would always make pot roast with veggies and we would usually eat as soon as we got out of school because we were so hungry, lol.  School takes a lot out of you!  It was a great tradition that we kept up until we were in high school, by then we were doing our own thing, but I will always remember the first day of school dinner and how much we looked forward to it every year.  Fall brings back so many great memories for me from Halloween to Thanksgiving, it's just a great season for relaxing and enjoying the weather with some delicious soups and stews.  Food for the soul :)  Well here's to Fall!    

Thursday, August 23, 2012


So... I am a little lost at the moment.  OK, I'm really lost!  I was talking to a sweet little old lady on the bus today and she asked me what I was doing.  I told her that I was going to school and majoring in Education and she was happy about that.  When we finished our conversation I thought to myself, do I really want to be a teacher?  And the answer is; I don't know.  I have no idea!  I'm not sure if education is what I want to do in my life.  I mean I love kids and love working with them, but sometimes I think that maybe I'm meant to do something else with my life.  I just don't know what I want to do with my life.  I know for sure that I want to move out of Philadelphia, get some type of degree (just not sure what type), and meet some amazing people.  Is anyone else out there as confused about life as I am?  I'm sure that answer to that question is yes, but I somehow feel like I am alone in this.  I live in a house with three other people and most of the time I like I am alone.  Alone in this world and left to figure everything out on my own.  And even though I'm alone, I feel like I can do it!  I am learning to have confidence in myself and my decisions because if I don't then they are not the right decisions.  I just want to find my way in this world and make a life for myself, a life that I can look back on and be proud of.  Sorry to get so serious but this has been on my mind a lot lately and I love that I can come on this blog and vent, lol.  So... thanks for listening and I hope that everyone has a great night! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just Got Paid, It's Friday Night...

Yay, the weekend is officially upon us and I am so thrilled.  I cannot wait to listen to music all night and relax with my family.  I also forgot to post the August Photo A Day list that you can also find here 

Yesterday's photo was One, and this one kind of stumped me because I wasn't sure what one thing I wanted to take a photo of.  I finally decided to take a photo of the beautiful moon that was shining through my room.  So I went outside with my iPod (bad idea because of the terrible quality) and took some photo's.  These two were the best. 

These were taken in my backyard at about 10 p.m. Goodnight moon!    

Sunday Morning, Rain Is Fallin...

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday.  I have a love/hate relationship with Sunday's.  Sunday's are lazy days, days where you wake up late and just sit and drink coffee and eat good food.  Sunday is also the day where you get ready to head back to work or school and that is not so fun, lol.  I spent this weekend cleaning my room and spending time with my family watching baseball.  I spend most of my weekends at home mostly because I don't have anything else to do, lol.  Story of my life a.k.a the life of a girl with no friends, lol.  I am looking forward to this week because I am looking forward to eating healthier and exercising more.  I want to be healthier it is just so hard when everyone else in your house is not on board, lol.  But I have to be strong for myself and for my health.  Well here is to a healthy week which I hope will lead to a healthy life.  Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Downtown Philly!

Today was a very fun day!  On my list of 101 things to do this year I added complete a scavenger hunt.  I was supposed to complete this scavenger hunt last year but things did not pan out and it was cancelled.  I was determined to complete it this summer if it was the last thing I did, lol.  So my siblings and I got together and set out this morning to complete the scavenger hunt.  Now for those of you who have been to Philadelphia, PA you know how many historical landmarks we have here in our city.  The list was long with 42 items but I would say we did pretty good, lol.  We worked in teams and let loose.  My brother and I had the most fun EVER!  We didn't even complete everything on the list but we still had a blast.  I will post pictures tonight because I am exhausted and my feet are killing me, lol.  I felt like a tourist in my own city and I loved it, I really learned a lot about Center City.  In other news, the Olympics are over and I have to say that they did not live up to my expectations.  It was a long two weeks and only a few events interested me, but the musical performances at the closing ceremony did interest me, lol.  One Direction and the Spice Girls were amazing!  Seeing the Spice Girls perform again brought back so many memories for me because I was and still am in love with them.  Happy Monday everyone and I hope your Monday was as fun as mine!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

I seriously can not believe that it is already August 1!  This summer has flown by and even with everything that has gone wrong, it has still been a pretty fun summer.  I have learned a lot this summer about myself, about life, and about who I can and can't count on.  I have really grown as a person and I am proud of myself, and I don't say that too often.  Going through this tough time has helped me to see what is really important in life.  So, I wasn't going to say this but I might as well.  I was without electricity for 2 months.  And yes that means no computer, no refrigerator, and most importantly no fans or air conditioning, lol.  It was very hard and there were times when I didn't know if I was going to make it mentally and emotionally.  The stress took a lot out of me and my family.  There were some major arguments, tears, and sweat (literally), but I think it made us stronger as a family.  Even through all of that we still tried to enjoy our summer as much as we could.  We played board games, went out to parks and took a lot of walks, and just tried to stay positive and in my opinion it worked.  We realized that things like t.v. and Internet had taken over our lives, and at first we thought we couldn't live without them.  Well we were wrong, and we really came together as a family during this tough time.  I am so proud of my family and how strong we are.  Now that we have made it through this we are using our electronics much less and its made us so much happier.  Now, on a lighter note today's Photo A Day photo is outside and because it is very gray and gloomy where I am today I have decided to use a photo of a place that I wish I was right now, lol.  For those reading this, please follow me I am trying to build some followers.  Thanks.